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Example and Technology of Tailings Treatment

Status of tailings in China

There are 153,000 mines in China. According to statistics, the total amount of tailings in China's mines was 5.026 billion tons before 2000. After 2000, 600 million tons of tailings are discharged annually. According to this calculation, the total amount of existing tailings is about 8 billion tons. The tailings discharged from the concentrator are usually discharged directly (mixed solid and liquid discharges). The tailings pulp with 80%-85% water content is discharged into the tailings reservoir above the location of the concentrator to facilitate the water infiltration and separation of the tailings pulp. Flow, water recycling, solid tailings left in the tailings reservoir accumulation. These tailings take up a lot of farmland and woodland, and cause huge pollution to the environment. In addition, the safety problems of tailings dams are becoming increasingly prominent. It is known that the proportion of dangerous, dangerous and diseased tailings reservoirs in existing tailings dams in China is as high as 50%, and the potential safety hazards are serious. It is urgent to realize tailings dry drainage and dry heap. The tailings dry drainage technology system adopted by our company is based on the technology of concentrate sedimentation concentration and filtration dewatering. The tailings and water in tailings pulp are separated by continuous operation of vacuum negative pressure generated by vacuum filter in an artificial way. The water content of tailings sand is reduced to about 10-20% by water recovery and utilization, so as to realize dry storage. Dry tailings or tailings with relatively low water content are transported, accumulated and digested. Effective solution to the traditional tailings inventory in the security risks, environmental damage, occupation of arable land and other issues.


The prominent characteristics of mineral resources in China are that there are many kinds of minerals, but there are many lean ores, few single ores, many symbiotic ores, complex ore composition and many refractory metallurgical ores. In the past, due to the lack of understanding of the comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, the emphasis was only on quantity growth, neglecting the rational development and comprehensive utilization of resources, adopting the economic development model at the expense of the environment, and the limitation of production technology and management conditions, the backward production technology and outdated equipment of Mines resulted in a large number of valuable minerals. The resources have not been explored, evaluated and reasonably exploited and utilized, and the destruction and waste of resources are serious. The comprehensive utilization rate of associated mineral resources in China is less than 20%, and the total recovery rate of mineral resources is only 30%. Mine tailings mostly contain various non-ferrous, black, rare, rare earth and non-metallic minerals, which are valuable secondary resources. China is a large resource country, but the resources per capita are very low. Therefore, it is of great significance to improve the recovery rate of mine resources and the secondary comprehensive utilization of tailings.

Main technical Achievements

  I. Tailings Dry Drainage and Dewatering Equipment

  • DU rubber belt vacuum filter
  • DY belt press filter
  • DZY belt vacuum press filter


Ⅱ. Dewatering and filtering media for tailings dry drainage

  • Belt filter cloth


III. Effective Tailings Concentration Equipment

  • High efficiency thickener
  • High efficiency Hydrocyclone


IV. Comprehensive Utilization Technology of Tailings

  • Dry Drainage and Comprehensive Treatment of Tailings
  • New Technology of Red Mud Separation and Washing
  • New Technology for Comprehensive Utilization of Over-standard Fly Ash in Coal-fired Power Plant
  • Production Technology of Phosphorus Chemical Industry without Tailings

V. Conclusion

  • See Table 1: Comparison of direct tailings discharge and dry tailings discharge.
  • See Table 2: Applicability of Filter in Tailings Dry Drainage System